
We want to make sure you get exactly what you want on the Night Exchange phone chat line. Use these tips to make sure you are putting out the right message to attract your matches for special conversation.
Recording a Greeting
Your greeting sets the tone for your entire phone chat experience- so make it great. Here are some suggestions to ensure your greeting is intriguing, to excite your matches and make them want to connect with you.
- The Voice– Your Voice is the best asset you have on the Night Exchange. Make sure you set the tone with something nuanced to get your phone chat partner interested. Speak clearly and concisely so that they can hear every interesting detail.
- Your Persona– Whoever you want to be on Night Exchange tonight, make sure you introduce yourself. State your name, where you’re from and even a brief description of what you look like. The more detail you put into your fantasy, the easier it will be for someone else to connect with it and you.
- Your dreams– What excites or interests you? If you are looking for something specific, make sure you state it- otherwise, just let other callers know the type of chat partner you are looking for and they are sure to find you.
Sending a Message
Did someone catch your attention? Send them a direct message to see if you catch theirs too.
- Make the First Move: You are an attractive, confident person- so let that show! The more first moves you make on the system, the more people you will have the chance to connect with. Don’t be afraid to send a message or a live connection, you are always free to stop at any time, or keep going if it is something you like.
- Get intimate: Everyone is on Night Exchange for the same reason, so don’t be afraid to play up your sensual side. Flirt chat, intimate conversation or dreamy talk, there are all kinds of sexy local singles waiting for everything and anything on the Night Exchange, so be sure to keep an open mind…and enjoy.
Live Chat
If your messages are starting to get interesting, take the next step and send a live chat request to get to the good stuff.
- Feel Free to Be Forward: You already know you both like each other, and the chat has been going in a great direction- so don’t get shy when it’s live. Be sure to continue showing off your confident, appealing self and the other person is sure to respond with equal excitement.
- Keep an Open Mind: Night Exchange is the place where you can come to unleash your private dreams and inner interests and everyone else on the line is doing the same thing. Just like you want to have someone respond to your interests, they want the same thing from you. So, if it’s not what you are looking for, try to be polite and move on. But when it is what you are looking for- that’s when the real fun begins!